Package pyscript :: Package lib :: Module presentation :: Class Talk
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Class Talk

object --+                    
     PsObj --+                
     AffineObj --+            
              Area --+        
                 Group --+    
                     Pages --+

A talk class
Method Summary
  __init__(self, style)
  add_logo(self, logo, height)
Add a logo to the talk
  make(self, *slides, **options)
Routine to collect all of slides together and render them all as the one document
  set_address(self, address)
Set the address for the institution (or equivalent) of the speaker
  set_authors(self, authors)
Set the authors of the talk
  set_speaker(self, speaker)
Set the name of the person actually giving the talk/presentation
  set_title(self, title)
Set the title of the talk as a whole
    Inherited from Pages
  validate(self, obj)
Check that the objects are able to be added to the Page object
  write(self, fp, title)
write the Pages
    Inherited from Group
  __getitem__(self, i)
Get an item from the list of objects
  __getslice__(self, i, j)
Get a slice of items from the list of objects
Returns the length of the object list
  append(self, *objs, **options)
append object(s) to group
self apply(self, **options)
apply attributes to all objects
Bbox bbox(self)
Gather together common bounding box for group Don't use Area's bbox as transformations may mean a tighter bbox (eg a circle)
Returns the body postscript of the object
Clear all the elements and reset group to an empty group
  insert(self, idx, obj)
insert object
recalculate internal container size based on objects within
Reverse the order of objects in the list of objects in the group
    Inherited from AffineObj
self concat(self, t, p)
concat matrix t to tranformation matrix
P etoi(self, p_e)
convert external to internal co-ords
P itoe(self, p_i)
convert internal to external co-ords
self move(self, *args)
translate object by a certain amount
string postbody(self)
undo coordinate system transformation
string prebody(self)
set up transformation of coordinate system
self reflect(self, angle, p)
reflect object in mirror
self rotate(self, angle, p)
rotate object, the rotation is around p when supplied otherwise it's the objects origin
self scale(self, sx, sy, p)
scale object size (towards objects origin or p)
self shear(self, s, angle, p)
shear object
    Inherited from PsObj
self __call__(self, **options)
Set a whole lot of attributes in one go
string __repr__(self)
Return a representation of this object
string __str__(self)
return actual postscript string to generate object
self copy(self, **options)
return a copy of this object with listed attributes modified
    Inherited from object
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
helper for pickle
helper for pickle
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
    Inherited from type
  __new__(T, S, ...)
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T

Property Summary
    Inherited from Area

Class Variable Summary
    Inherited from Area
  c = pyscript.objects.Area.c
int height: the height
P isw = <class 'pyscript.vectors.P'>
int width: the width
    Inherited from AffineObj
P o = <class 'pyscript.vectors.P'>
Matrix T = <pyscript.vectors.Matrix instance at 0x40449cec>

Method Details

add_logo(self, logo, height=None)

Add a logo to the talk
logo - eps file name of logo

make(self, *slides, **options)

Routine to collect all of slides together and render them all as the one document

set_address(self, address)

Set the address for the institution (or equivalent) of the speaker
address - the address to use

set_authors(self, authors)

Set the authors of the talk
authors - the author list for the talk

set_speaker(self, speaker)

Set the name of the person actually giving the talk/presentation
speaker - the name of the person giving the talk

set_title(self, title)

Set the title of the talk as a whole
title - the title of the talk

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Mon Apr 24 17:02:35 2006